Neighbourly Ride is committed to ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience for all participants so please read the following Terms of Service carefully.

By registering via bunchrides.com you agree to the following Terms of Service and acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agree to these Terms of Service.

The Neighbourly Ride, hereafter referred to as the Neighbourly Ride Program or NRP, is owned, organised and managed by the Bunchrides Unit Trust Pty Ltd, hereafter referred to as the Program Owner. The NRP appoints volunteers, hereafter referred to as Neighbourly Ride Organisers or NRO, who are responsible for the organisation and management of the NRP at each NRP location, hereafter referred to as the Neighbourly Ride Location or NRL. A ride conducted at a NRL is hereafter reffered to as a Neighbourly Ride or NR. Each NRO may appoint Ride Leaders, hereafter referred to as Neighbourly Ride Leaders or NRL, who are responsible for leading and supervising a NR. Each registered NR participant is hereafter referred to as a Neighbourly Ride Rider or NRR.


Neighbourly Ride Registration

  1. To participate in the NR, each NRR must complete the NR registration in full via Bunchrides.com
  2. A NRR under the age of 18 on the day of the NR must be accompanied by a Parent/Guardian, who must also be registered on and participate in the ride.
  3. A NRR can register via Eventbrite.com up to two hours before the published date and time of a NR, provided the maximum number of registered NRR’s has not been reached. The number of available registrations for each NR is limited based on the number of allocated NRL’s.
  4.  Information provided by the NRO at any time before the NR can change at any time at the discretion of the NRO.



  1. The NRR acknowledges that cycling activities are dangerous with many inherent risks. The NRR accepts that participating in cycling in general and in the NR can result in personal injury, loss or damage to property. Some risks can include, but are not limited to, collisions, riding on roads and variable outside environments including variable weather.
  2. The NRR acknowledges that they must, and agree that they will, present a roadworthy bike and wear a helmet complying to Australian Standards to participate in the NR.  Every attempt is made to inspect all bikes and equipment before the NR begins to ensure participants have a safe and non-problematic NR however, it remains the sole responsibility of each NRR to ensure that their bike is safe and in roadworthy condition prior to the start of the NR.
  3. Parent/Guardian’s of any underage NRR assume full and sole responsibility for said underage NRR’s safety and participation in Neighbourly Ride and are deemed to be the supervisor of said underage NRR. Each parent/guardian must supply their mobile phone number in case of an emergency.
  4. The NRR acknowledges that the NR is not a competitive ride and agrees to exercise common sense and ride in a safe and predictable manner at all times before, during and after the NR. Furthermore, the NRR acknowledges and agrees that they are responsible for their own actions.
  5. The NRR agrees to exercise caution at all times on public roads and cycle paths and agrees to be courteous to all other road and cycle path users.
  6. The NRR agrees to abide by all road rules as covered by the Road Management Act 2004 and adhere to NRL instructions. Furthermore, the NRR understands that any failure to do so may result in removal from the NR.
  7. The NRR  agrees to report any accidents, injuries, loss or damage that they or any other NR suffers during the NR to the NRL as they occur.
  8. The NR agrees not to consume alcohol or any mind-altering substance before or during any NR, and furthermore accepts full responsibility for injury, loss or damage associated with the consumption of alcohol or any other mind-altering substance.
  9. The NRR understands that NRL’s reserve the right to remove any NRR from the NR who threatens or impacts the health, safety or enjoyment of other NRR’s attending the NRL.
  10. The NRR agrees to communicate any changes to previously disclosed information prior to the commencement of the NR to the NRL and NRO.
  11. The NRL reserves the right to cancel the NR due to unforeseen circumstances, an emergency or unfavourable weather conditions that may compromise the safety and well being of the NRR’s. The NRL will make every effort to notify all NRR’s of a cancelation via Eventbrite.com or email.


Physical Capabilities and Emergency Procedures:

  1. The NRR must disclose any pre-existing medical conditions that may impact their participation and safety on the NR to the NRL and NRO. The NRR acknowledges that they must, and agrees that they will seek appropriate medical advice regarding any pre-existing condition prior to participating in a NR and carry suitable medication for any existing medical condition(s) on the NR.
  2. Should the NRR be seriously injured before, during or immediately after the ride, the NRL will arrange necessary medical transport. The NRR agrees that they are fully responsible and liable for any medical transport costs associated with their injury.



  1. The NRR acknowledges that the provision of Bike Riding insurance is their responsibility.  The NRP recommends that you have your own Bike Riding Insurance to provide medical coverage, income protection and third party property and personal injury protection. Popular Bike Riding insurance policies amongst cyclists are those offered by the Bicycle Network and Cycling Australia.
  2. Neither the NRO nor the NRL will be held liable for any damage to or loss of any personal items and belongings left in the possession of the NRO or NRL by a NRR.



  1. Neighbourly Ride follows the guidelines of the Australian Sports Commision regarding the photography of children.
  2. The guidelines were developed to assist sporting clubs and associations when acquiring and displaying images of children and young people on web sites and in other publications
    The full Guidelines are available here: Australian_Sports_Commission_Guidelines_On_The_Use_Of_Images_Of_Children.pdf
  3. I consent to the Program Owner, NRO, NRV or NRL using my name, image, and likeness whether original or manipulated from before, during or after the NR for promotional purposes



Collection of Personal Information

  1. We collect your personal information for the primary purpose of operating the NRP, which includes:
    1. making data submitted by Registered Users available for sharing with other Registered Users; and
    2. the email address of any person who signs up with Neighbourly Ride is stored to receive email communications from Neighbourly Ride. Where reasonably possible, we will collect your personal information directly from you.

Use and disclosure of personal information

  1. We use and disclose personal information for the purposes for which we collect that personal information and any directly related purpose.
  2. For the purpose of providing or offering services and benefits to NRR’s, we may also disclose personal information to:
    1.  service providers contracted to provide services for the purpose of providing the NRP; and
    2. law enforcement bodies or as otherwise required by law.
  3. If you do not wish for your personal information to be disclosed or used in such a way anticipated by our privacy policy, we will use reasonable endeavours to accommodate your request where disclosure is not otherwise required by law. However, if we comply with your request, it may not be practicable for us to provide you some or all of the services that would otherwise be available from the NRP.

Data quality and security

  1. We take reasonable steps so that personal information can only be accessed by people properly authorised to have access. All passwords used by Registered Users are encrypted when saved to the NRP. All payment webpages use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encrypted 256 bit.
  2. However, no security measures are perfect or impenetrable. We cannot control the actions of other users with whom you share your information. We cannot guarantee that only authorised persons will access or view your personal information. We are not responsible for third party circumvention of security measures on the website or at any of our premises.
  3. We will take reasonable steps to update any personal information that we learn is inaccurate, incomplete or no longer up-to-date. This will generally occur by you notifying us of any change in your personal information.
  4. Where we become aware that we hold personal information that is no longer needed for any purpose for which the information may be used or disclosed, we will reasonable steps to destroy or permanently de-identify it.

The NRR understands that the personal information they have provided during the registration process is necessary for the operation of Neighbourly Ride. The NRR agrees to the use of their personal information by Neighbourly Ride for the purposes of providing promotional material.



  1. Communication about the NRP will be made through the Eventbrite App and/or by email. The NRR must register using a valid email address to receive updates.
  2. Should the NRR change their email address at any time prior to the start of the NR, the NRR must email their updated email address to admin@bunchrides.com


Claims and Liability Waiver:

  1. As a registered NRR, you agree to release and forever indemnify Program Owner, its employees, volunteers, Neighbourly Ride Organisers, Neighbourly Ride Leaders, sponsors, participating municipalities and agents from all and any liability, claims, lawsuits, loss and damage (including indirect and consequential loss), costs, expenses and, interest, whether pursuant to common law or statute, claims howsoever caused to you or any dependant for personal injury, loss or damage suffered by you or any dependant arising in any way whatsoever from participation in Neighbourly Rides provided by the Neighbourly Ride Organisers and Neighbourly Ride Leaders, including as a result of the negligence, breach of duty, breach of care or other fault or responsibility of Program Owner, Neighbourly Ride Organisers, Neighbourly Ride Leaders and any of Neighbourly Ride’s respective representatives.


Governing Law

1.This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State and the parties agree to submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the State’s courts.


Acceptance of the Terms of Service

By registering you have read, understand and agree to these Terms of Service and waiver.

 Copyright © 2019 – Neighbourly Ride. All rights reserved.
Terms of Service
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